FAASV Membership Drive!
Please registered and pay online (faasv.org)
Membership Application Form online
Please join us this year!
$20 Family member (Januray through December) Renewal $10 family
#10 single New Member $5 Renewal (January - December)
Once the online form processs start working, please follow instructions:
Please select a Membership below and click on "next" to start the process. Once the online form is completed you will have the option to paying your membership/renewal dues online through paypal or by the pay off line button. Please note: There will be 3% administration fee added if you are paying through paypal. ( visa,mc, discover etc).
Or you can send your membership application form with payment $20 for family & 10 renewal ($10single $5 reneuwal. Just click on the pdf button, fill out the membership application form and mail it to the PO Box listed below or bring it to our next FAASV events.
C/o Membership
PO Box 594
Garrisonville, Virginia 22463
We are excited to have you join us, and we look forward to seeing you to our next events!